Image for Friends of Paradise Nature Reserve

Friends of Paradise Nature Reserve


Newnham residents will all know the Nature Reserve called PARADISE. It lies alongside the river, between Lammas Land Car Park and the bottom of Owlstone Rd and forms part of the green corridor which stretches along the river Cam between the city centre and the open countryside of the Grantchester Meadows. Although quite small, it hosts a variety of habitats. There is an area of wet woodland, with tall trees and dense scrub and then a sizeable pond area with open grassland. A winding pathway follows the line of the Cam along its western bank, the river forming the boundary to the Conservation Area, while at the back of the reserve, a boardwalk allows a circular walk.

Six species of Bat have been recorded here: Daubenton’s, Noctule, Brown Long-eared, Serotine and both Common and Soprano Pipistrelle Bats. Birds include Sparrowhawk, Tawny Owl, Mistle Thrush, Tits, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Wren and Sedge Warblers. Siskins are also seen regularly on Alder in the winter. Whitethroat has been recorded as nesting in the tall herb/rank grassland next to the car park. On nearby Paradise Island, there is a Heronry and in the winter, huge flocks of Rooks and Jackdaws.

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