Image for Emmaus Cambridge

Emmaus Cambridge


Emmaus Cambridge is a charity that offers a home, work and personal support to a community of formerly homeless people. Our companions all work in our shop in Landbeach where we sell donated furniture, clothing, homewares and more!

A home for as long as needed

Each person living at Emmaus Cambridge has an individual bedroom with all meals provided in a communal dining room and normal living expenses covered. There is no time limit for their stay with us, and this stability helps people to rebuild their lives following homelessness.

To be accepted at Emmaus Cambridge, a person has to sign off all benefits with exception of Housing Benefit. This is claimed by Emmaus to support the community.

Most people stay at Emmaus Cambridge for a few months but some leave after a short time and others stay for years.

Work experience

At Emmaus Cambridge, we know that it takes more than just a roof over someone’s head to help them overcome homelessness. That’s why, unlike hostels, companions are asked to volunteer up to 40 hours per a week in our social enterprise, with two days off, a long weekend after three months, and a week’s holiday after six months.

Volunteering covers work in our second-hand shop, Joan’s Coffee Shop, gardening, maintenance, van driving, collection and deliveries, stock sorting and kitchen work.

#A penny saved
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