Image for Cambridge Women's Aid

Cambridge Women's Aid

Social justice

Seeking volunteers

Cambridge Women's Aid provides dedicated and specialist services to women and children affected by domestic abuse.

  • Information, advice and support online via Life Chat , on Wednesdays 3-5pm.
  • Safe refuge in Cambridge city
  • One to one help for women living in Cambridge City, South Cambs and East Cambs
  • Advice for professionals supporting women living in Cambridge City, South Cambs and East Cambs 
  • Support groups for women to explore the dynamics of abusive relationships
  • Support groups with activities for group and peer support
  • Dedicated services for children whose mothers/carers we are supporting

Ask Me Project:

We offer free, online training courses to members of the local community from all backgrounds and identities where they learn about domestic abuse, including its gendered nature, how to challenge the stereotypes surrounding it and how to listen to, believe and direct survivors to specialist support.


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