Image for Cambridge Area Bus Users

Cambridge Area Bus Users


Seeking volunteers

Cambridge Area Bus Users

Working for bus passengers in and around Cambridge

Our vision: making buses a great choice


  1. To represent, and campaign on behalf of, bus passengers in and around Cambridge.
  2. To be recognised by local authorities as consultees representing local bus users.


  1. Reliable frequent affordable buses
    1. Services should be frequent enough to take the anxiety out of waiting.
    2. Operators and local authorities should co-operate to make timings reliable.
    3. Many fares are too high: fares should be reduced through increased ridership, where possible, and revenue support, where necessary.
  2. Buses which take you where you want to go
    1. Routes should match people’s intended journeys – surveys of passengers and non-users should be ongoing.
    2. Busway and P&R services should serve more stops in Cambridge.
    3. Wherever possible, services (including P&R) should cross the city centre, giving through journey options.
    4. Use of P&R sites as ‘hubs’ with connecting routes should be considered.
    5. Local authorities should generate funding for routes or parts of routes which are not commercially viable.
  3. Improved ticketing, connections and boarding
    1. Cross-operator ticketing ought to be the norm.
    2. ‘Hopper’ fares should be offered, taking the financial pain out of changing buses.
    3. Zonal ticketing needs reform to remove the steep rise in fare between (eg) Sawston and Stapleford.
    4. Pre-paid tickets should be available at key sites, to speed boarding.
    5. Bus stops should be clearly marked, on good hard-standing, offer protection from the weather, be kept clean, with raised kerbs to allow easy boarding.
  4. Excellent bus information
    1. Current, accurate route and timetable information should be displayed at all stops.
    2. Information about key fares and payment methods should be provided, to avoid queries when passengers board the bus.
    3. Prominent information boards detailing routes, service numbers and stop locations should be installed at key sites (eg Addenbrooke’s, city centre, rail station).
  5. Attractive cleaner, greener buses
    1. Buses should address climate change, aiming for zero CO2 by 2050.
    2. Buses should avoid adding to PM10 PM2.5 and NOx emissions.
    3. Buses should be clean, inside and out, well lit, with on-board audio-visual route information.
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